Monthly Archives: April 2017

8 Habits for Maintaining Work-Life Balance


 8 Habits for Maintaining Work-Life Balance



I’m like you, I struggle with maintaining a healthy balance between my work life and my personal life. I implement many tools and systems to avoid getting caught in the trap of over-doing or under-doing in either category so that I maintain a “being-ness presence” in all that I do.

Many of the tools I use can be found on the Resources page of my website including, my Personal Strategic Plan and Ideal Week templates, let alone my Annual Master Calendar. By now, you’ve probably downloaded my FREE PDF eBooks: Year-End Assessment Tool, 2017 Success Planner, and my 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge guidebook. All these ensure that I keep focused on my goals and that I calendar what I want to accomplish, and when.

I don’t think there is a division of work and life. I know that work is an integral part of all of our lives. The only reason I even used the term “work-life balance” in the title of this blog post is that it has become such a pervasively used term that everyone googles it to find out the very things that I’m writing about here. So, let’s just say I advocate a balanced life, and I’ll tell you here 8 habits to help you in your quest to maintain that balanced life:

Habit 1 – Choose the life you desire.

Many, many of the participants in my Create The LIFE You Want workshop come in the door not having a clue of the life they desire, nor have they ever given it much thought. Many believe “life” dictates their daily activities and that they have little to no influence on it. Of course, if you’ve been a reader of this blog for very long, you know that I believe nothing can be further from the truth and that to the contrary, I believe…I KNOW IN MY HEART…that our lives are not only in our control, but that our future is determined by our actions of today (and, our actions are a derivative of our thoughts of the moment). Now, before I get any email push back, let me acknowledge that oftentimes life will bring us something completely out of the blue – either positive or negative – and that those people, events, challenges, opportunities, etc are not our doing. But be prepared; that preparation is under your control. Continue reading

Talk with Tom: Episode #18 | ENCORE EPISODE: Daily Disciplines


In this Encore Episode of Talk with Tom, Tom gives us 6 daily disciplines to support of goal achievement. They include: morning intentions and visualization, using external images of success (Vision Boards), thinking a better feeling thought, having an attitude of gratitude, taking action, and acknowledging that it’s working.

Every month, in just 30 minutes, Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or GooglePlay, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Creating Effective Affirmations


creating effective affirmations



Tony Robbins calls them “Incantations”; Deepak Chopra calls them “Mantras”; I, and others, prefer to say “Affirmations”. No matter what you call them, they are powerful…and THEY WORK!

Affirmations are one of the most powerful ways to create a vibrational match for what you want to attract into your life.

Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation. Your thoughts and words are declarations of who you think you are and how you perceive the world to be. Every time you think a negative thought or make a self-depreciating comment you are actually affirming it as your personal truth. Fortunately, the same holds true for positive thoughts and statements.

Strong positive affirmations are powerful means of self-transformation and are key to creating the life you want. Affirmations replace the limiting beliefs that you have internalized for years with positive statements that “affirm” who you want to be and how you want to experience life.


Affirmations are a regular part of my day. I listen to Louise Hay’s 101 Power Thoughts Affirmations app as an important part of my morning routine, I cite my own affirmations throughout the day, and I have others in my ear-buds as I’m falling asleep. Stating affirmations aloud can be a powerful deterrent to negative thinking and if written, and spoken, as effectively as I am going to describe here, can be a supportive tool for your sub-conscious and the law of attraction to help you create the life you want.

Creating Effective Affirmations


One of my most popular downloads from my Workshop Resources page is my Creating Effective Affirmations handout from my Create The Life You Want workshop. Download it for FREE here. Print it off. Carry it with you or post it nearby for you to refer to as you write your personalized affirmations. In it I outline nine guidelines to follow to create powerful, effective affirmations for use EVERYDAY to help you manifest ANYTHING. The Nine Guidelines for Creating Effective Affirmations are: Continue reading