I will help you Grow Your Life & Build Your Business

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Download my Morning Routine Worksheet!

Morning Routine Worksheet

Having an empowering morning routine will dramatically change every area of your life including your productivity, happiness, body, fulfillment, health, wealth, spirit ... everything. I have found that the most effective morning routines include at least one ritual for each of the mind, body and spirit. I created this Morning Routine Checklist to help you quickly get ideas for your own morning routine.


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“Every one of my seven life areas needed transforming. I could not be more pleased with the progress I have made in realizing my goals in such a short time. Tom is the key reason for my success.”

R.C. | Los Angeles, CA



I lost it all in 2010. What a year! Perhaps you have read my blog post The Perfect Storm wherein I describe my TRIPLE WHAMMY of being run over by a truck with the financial market meltdown of 2008, hit by a train with a huge love loss, and promptly upon dusting myself off, having the figurative nuclear bomb go off with my daughter being diagnosed with cancer (p.s. she now scans clean). It has taken me years to get my bearings and I’m still trying to recover.

I have been coaching and training professionally since 2001. That career began as a result of being called upon to mentor individuals in the success principles that I used throughout my adult life to live a thriving, highly-successful, personal and professional life as a real estate executive, entrepreneur, business owner, husband and father.

Development of Cal Plaza in Los Anegeles was one of Tom Hart's major accomlishements

Since founding my first company at age 19, I have bought and sold 16 companies and ventures and negotiated hundreds of million-dollar-plus deals. My professional career has included teen-preneur, small business owner, investor, philanthropist, and commercial real estate developer of mixed-use projects, high-rise office buildings and master planned communities in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver and Kansas City. I am now regarded as an authority on financing, investing, negotiating, and business strategies.

As a Success Strategist and Master Coach, I coach and train individuals and organizations through business coaching, life coaching, public and private workshops, online courses, books and audio programs. Popular workshops include: Create The Life You Want, Living Life with Intention, Success Principles for the New Normal and Build Your Dream Business. I now share the stage with America’s finest and am regarded as a go-to thought leader, master coach and advisor to companies, small businesses, family offices and non-profit organizations, as well as corporate executives, high net worth individuals, elite athletes, entertainers, and hard-working entrepreneurs, business owners, mid-cap managers, moms and millennials, just like YOU!

Long before I lived (and eventually taught) this stuff I was learning, learning, learning how to live a successful, contributing life and how to be my best self. I was so lucky to have parents who supported me in becoming all that I could be. My dad gave me my first personal development book at the age of 12 and since then I have read, participated in and researched over 410 motivational, self-improvement, balanced living, and personal & professional development books, seminars, online courses, and audio programs. I am formally trained and/or certified as a Master Coach, Business Coach, Peak Performance Expert, NLP Master, EFT Practitioner, Hawaiian Huna Practitioner, Life Balance and Transition Specialist, Management Consultant, Strategic Planning Facilitator and Success Strategist.

This exceptional multi-decade personal journey as both student and practitioner puts me in the unique position to be a valuable guide for you. You can say, I have spent the 10,000 hours of mastering, researching, collecting, and applying the best practices and strategies of success from the best resources of our lifetime so that you don’t have to. I can now give you the distillation, the summary notes, complete with action steps, on how to multiply and significantly accelerate YOUR, and YOUR COMPANY’S, success. I have not only learned and taught it…I HAVE LIVED IT! The good, the bad, and the ugly. Nothing I have ever accomplished had I done before. I had to dig deep in my reservoir of knowledge and experience to succeed at new things incrementally, step by step. Clumsily at first, mastery eventually. And, I can show you how to also.

One of my missions in life is to move and inspire people to take action in their own personal development and business building. It is my honor and privilege to serve you in this way. I make it an absolute MUST that I inspire each and every one of you to STEP UP and live the life of your dreams, NOW, and not settle for less than you can be, do, have, say or believe.

Come with me on this continuing journey to be extraordinary:

Imagine yourself...
free  happy  abundant  healthy  peaceful  empowered  authentic  ...
TRANSFORMED. Imagine that YOU!


Deepak ChopraMarianne WilliamsonTom Hart, Dr Roger Teel and Dr. Michael Bernard BeckwithTom Hart and Les Brown

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